She Doesn't Care - started 2-1-03   mastered  2-23-03
Blast from the past is all I can say about this song and the next two. An old friend,
Roseanna called me about selling The Who's Live at Leeds album. We ended up dating for
a few months, I truly like her. She was so much fun, even back when our families hung out
in the 70's and 80's - she is a x-inlaw. And in 2002 we got to know each other a little better.
Anyway I got 3 songs out of it. Get-um when you can....It hurt to see her go..
John Wright - bass & sax
Fred Boyce - B3 organ
Fred did the B3 sound at his
studio-I took the song over
on CD-he did the track on
Sound Forge and I put it
back on the multi track.